Don’t Whack Your Boss With Super Power

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Don’t Whack Your Boss With Super Power

Don’t Whack Your Boss With Super Power is a humorous and stress-relieving point-and-click game that allows players to vent their frustrations on a virtual boss using a variety of superpowers. The game is a spin-off from the popular “Whack Your” series, which features various scenarios in which players can enact exaggerated and comical acts of revenge. In this installment, players are given a range of superhero abilities to utilize, adding a fun and fantastical twist to the gameplay.

The objective of Don’t Whack Your Boss With Super Power is to find and click on specific items within the office environment that trigger a sequence of amusing and over-the-top animations, showcasing the protagonist using their newfound superpowers to deal with their obnoxious boss. Players are encouraged to explore and experiment, discovering all the creative and entertaining ways to use their superpowers. The game offers a lighthearted and amusing experience, providing a fun escape for those looking to blow off some steam.

Every object you select kills differently and you sure would love this Whacking game.

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